I played with water balloons today. I played with my friend. I popped one in my face so did my friend. We had a blast. Have you ever played with water balloons. Answer that in the comment box. Well we got wet. Just a thing about my day.
I was over at a friends house. We were on the computer most of the time. I taught her how to do a blog on blogspot.com. Hers is her blog . www.funmonkeyamkalwsal.blogspot.com You should really try going there after mine. She just started. She had another blog already. I don't know that one. Well have you went to www.susanputnam.blogspot.com She has cool things on hers. We all love doing a blog. I only have one. Susan and my friend have two. Well gotta go.
Bengals are a football team. They are great. I would like to go to a game. I have never went to one. I have seen them on TV. The colors on their shirt are white, orange, and black. The Cincinnati Bengals ROCK!