I played with water balloons today. I played with my friend. I popped one in my face so did my friend. We had a blast. Have you ever played with water balloons. Answer that in the comment box. Well we got wet. Just a thing about my day.
I was over at a friends house. We were on the computer most of the time. I taught her how to do a blog on blogspot.com. Hers is her blog . www.funmonkeyamkalwsal.blogspot.com You should really try going there after mine. She just started. She had another blog already. I don't know that one. Well have you went to www.susanputnam.blogspot.com She has cool things on hers. We all love doing a blog. I only have one. Susan and my friend have two. Well gotta go.
Bengals are a football team. They are great. I would like to go to a game. I have never went to one. I have seen them on TV. The colors on their shirt are white, orange, and black. The Cincinnati Bengals ROCK!
I am glad school is out. I am going to miss all my fourth grade teachers especially Mrs. Maple. I really enjoyed fourth grade. We did all kinds of new stuff. My favorite subject is Social Studies. Have you herd of mini society? That is what I do at the end of the school year. It is when you make something and the sell it at school.
This is the cast of High School Musical. My favorite cast member is Ashley Tisdale. She is mean in the movie. At the end she is nice. She is the blond haired girl.